07 July 2005

Email Dari Ms Cahaya


Terima kasih kpd Ms Cahaya (Nama Samaran),kerana membenarkan saya menyalinkan balasan-balasan email kita tentang Desa Gemilang ke dalam blog ini. Ms Cahaya telah menghantar email ke alamat saya di sania2@yahoo.com


Nama dan tempat di dalam email ini telah ditukar kepada nama dan tempat samaran. Butiran-butiran yg tidak perlu dan tidak relevan telah dipadamkan.


1- Dibawah ialah email pertama dari Ms Cahaya.


aslmkm, saya cuma ingin btanya apa latest progress desa gemilang. Kalau lot XYZ berada di blok mana.agak2 rmh tu blh siap ke by end of august spt yg dijanjikan. Tq
2- Dan jawapan pertama aku:
Latest progress saya akan tahu sabtu ni bila Mr Sales akan bawa saya naik ketapak projek. Paling baru gambar saya ada ialah yg dua minggu lepas (12 June 2005).
Buat masa sekarang, tak sempat saya nak update blog desa gemilang. Insya Allah, nanti next week saya akan update. Nanti saya check Lot 81 tu blok mana.
Anyway, masa dua minggu lepas yg saya dah naik ke atas tu. Lori banyak utk. kerja tanah (Fasa 2 dan tangki air). TNB substation tu dah siap cat dah.
Saya pergi cari main contraktor kat situ. Jumpa staff dia. Dia kata Target bulan 8 siap Structure. Dan bulan sebelas semua sekali.
Saya rasa ada miscommunication antara developer dan Main con sebab developer kata bulan 8 boleh siap semua sekali. Struktur disini bermaksud siap sampai bumbung tanpa cat dan plastering dan accesories lain. Tapi, tak semestinya tak start lagi utk plastering dll. Ada blok yg dah siap plaster dan siap cat coating dah.
Generally, Desa Gemilang ada 20 Blok (A sampai T) dan pada dua minggu lepas:
1-Ada Empat blok yg masih tapak lagi (E,F, R dan N).
2-Blok P (last sekali), dah mula dipasang tiles. Ada satu unit yg dah siap tile semua lantai atas bawah.
3-Empat blok (Blok G,H,J & P) dah siap pasang bumbung merah tu (termasuk blok P).
4-Satu blok dah hampir siap bumbung merah (Blok K).
5-Sembilan blok still progress utk tingkat 2.
6-Dua blok masih progress tingkat 1.
So, saya tak nampak bulan 8 akan siap macam developer kata. Lagipun, Mr Sales kata akhir tahun siap. Main kontraktor pun kata direct kat saya akhir tahun boleh siap. Dari 1 sampai 6 diatas pun, saya yakin bulan 8 baru siap struktur aje. Lagipun, bulan 8 kurang 2 bulan lagi.
Till then, bye bye.
3- So, Ms Cahaya menulis lagi:
thanks for the latest info. gmbar takde ke? buyer tak blh ke pg tgk site? klu siap by end of this year pemaju akan byr ke gantirugi sbb lewat? tq
4- Jawapan ringkas aku:
1-Gambar: Nanti upload kat blog. Latest gambar ialah tengah2 bulan 6. Insya Allah, esok (2 July 2005) naik site dgn orang developer.
2-buyer tak boleh pegi site atas sebab takut kemalangan.
3-mana-mana pemaju biasanya kalau bayar pun takkan bayar 100% claim kita mengikut kata ~delete~.
5- Email seterusnya dari Ms Cahaya:



thanks for the very detail explanation n congratulation on your excellent works that u hv done.

saya dan kwn2 lain rasa puas hati dgn segala penjelasan yg telah diberikan.

selama ni kitorg tertggu2 nk tahu perkembangan mcm ni dr masa ke semasa.

ingatkan nk harapkan pemaju atau koop yg inform tp nmpaknya hampa.

at least with ur great contribution we are happy to know that it is progressed fr. time to time.

ingatkan projek ni dh terbengkalai sbb bila tanya org koop diorg pun tak tahu apa2 tu yg sedih.

cuma satulah nk tanya kot2 u lupa lot 81 tu blok mana ye.

sbb bila tgk gambar2 rmh tu teringin gak nk tgk progress rmh sendiri.

anyway thank u so much for what u have done.


May Allah bless ur effort.



6- Email aku pulak:



Initially, the blog was for my personal satisfaction. Then, I thought of having it in public so that it can give benefit to other buyers who can get access to the internet.


Once, we get the CF, we should form a residential committee to oversee the affairs of the residents. In fact, we can do a lot of other things. But for now, ~deleted~.


Legally (I think), if all S&Ps are dated Nov 2002 (like mine)  and the period is over three years. Then, we should expect the completion (to be) in Nov 2005. InsyaAllah.


I have just spoken with Ms S dari KOOP tu. ~deleted~


Ms S kata Lot XYZ tu Blok XYZ. So, dah naik bumbung lah (as in the middle of June '05).


Hari sabtu, 2 hari lepas tak dapat naik site sebab hari hujan. Next week pulak kena hantar adik UTM. Maybe, sabtu ketiga bulan Julai pulaklah. Tu pun kena dapat permission Encik Azman (for security reason...acceptable for me...~deleted~).


Request: ~deleted~



Aku Seorang Pembeli Rumah


Correction: S&P date is 31 Oct 2002. (different from signing date).

7- Seterusnya email dari  Ms Cahaya



ok boleh masukkan nama saya dlm yahoogroup tu. kwn2 saya pun minat gak nk join. details are:

1) ~deleted~

2) ~deleted~

3) ~deleted~

4) ~deleted~

5) ~deleted~

6) ~deleted~


saya nk tanya sikit psl zoom blok yg digunakan utk rmh tu. apa bezanya dgn batu bata biasa? lagi elok atau sebaliknya.atau sama kualiti dgn batu blok biasa yg murah tu? since u hv the chance of going to the site, what do u think of the quality of the house that they construct. bukan apa saya cuma risau nanti lps siap rmh je defect sana sini maklumlah rmh ni kan dh lewat siap takut diorg nk kejar masa buatpun cincai ala kadar je.this is just our worries that my friends n I always think of.Just would like to get ur opinion since u look more expert than us.

Thank u n wslm.


8- Jawapan bukan expert aku pulak.




First of all, thanks for the interest your friends and you showed here.


Secondly, ada banyak jenis batu bata. Saya rasa you tengok kat sini gambar concrete tu:



Anyway, drpd gambar kat website tu, mengikut expert kat tempat kerja saya, batu-bata utk buat rumah kita tu macam 'concrete hollow block'. Disadvantage dia ialah tak boleh dipaku dgn benda-benda berat sebab ada hollow. So, kalau nak buat kitchen kabinet gantung kat dinding, kenalah masukkan simen ke dalam 'hollow' tu. Advantage dia ialah rumah akan sentiasa sejuk.


Cuba check S&P, saya rasa dalam spec. dia kata concrete block.


Pasal cincai ala kadar tu saya tak tahu lah. Hopefully, berkualiti penuh.


Nanti saya tanya2 kat expert lagi.





~That's all for now~ 


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info.

Dibawah ini ialah serba sedikit sejarah tentang akta berkaitan perumahan. Harap betulkan kalau saya silap.

Sebelum Nov 2002, Koperasi dan Badan kerajaan terkecuali dari akta tersebut dibawah.

So, koperasi terkecuali dari mematuhi standard 24 bulan utk menyiapkan pembinaan rumah yg dilancarkan sebelum Nov 2002.

Date S&P saya ialah 31 October 2002 walaupun saya sain selepas itu. Para 9 S&P KOMAB kata delivery date ialah 36 bulan dari tarikh perjanjian. So, delivery date ialah 31 October 2005. Saya assume bila developer nak extend maksudnya ialah extend lepas dari bulan 10 2005.

Anyway, supaya kita ‘on the same page’. Saya akan beritahu serba sedikit mana-mana yg ‘relevant’ buat masa sekarang research yang saya dapat buat ala kadar dulu sebelum sign S&P.

Sebelum saya sain S&P, saya dah heran sebab Developer tak de lesen. Rupa2nya, koperasi tak payah ada lessen (bagi projek launch/sold sebelum Nov 2002) ikut kata buyers yg lain la. Berdasarkan seksyen 25(3) Housing Developer (Control & Licensing) Act 1966 (Amended 2002) or HDCA Act, Koperasi yg jual rumah sebelum akta di’amended’ tak payah ada lessen. (Copy Act dan S&P yg HDCA Act punya boleh dapat dari website HBA. Kalau tak silap www.hba.com.my Tak pun google aje)

Mengikut seksyen 25(1), provisions dlm Act tu tak apply kat koperasi. Walaubagaimanapun, buyers buleh ‘go tru tribunal’ kalau ada problem.

‘Late delivery claim’ yg dalam akta hanya boleh di’claimed’ serta merta bila dah dapat vacant possession (Para 23(3) S&P HDCA punya) pada rate 10% perannum.

Part serta merta dalam S&P kita ada.
Part vacant possession saja yg tak de (silent)
Part rate sama saja.

So, going by the wordings of the definitions of housing developers in the Act, walaupun tak payah ada lessen, koperasi still kena bayar late delivery claim setelah kita dapat vacant possession. Mengikut seksyen 25, kita berhak membawa hal ni ke tribunal kalau depa tak nak bayar.

Kalau beli akta tu kat kedai. Last paragraph tentang provisio ni mungkin dah tak da. Tapi, masa mula2 published dulu, ada.

Anonymous said...

Additional discussion

Website address pasal last proviso tu ialah kat:


25. Savings and transitional
1) The provisions of the principal Act as amended by this Act, except Part VI and sections 22, 23 and 24 in so far as they relate to an offence under section 16AD of the principal Act, shall not apply to any housing development engaged in, carried on, undertaken or caused to be undertaken under the principal Act by –

(a) a society registered or incorporated under any written law relating to co-operative societies; or

(b) any body or agency established and incorporated by statute and under control of the Federal Government or the Government of any State,

as the case may be, if housing accommodation had been offered for sale.

(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the term "licensed housing developer" in Part VI of the principal Act shall be deemed to include a society, body or agency referred to in that subsection.

(3) Any such society, body or agency as is referred to in paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) engaged in, carrying on, undertaking or causing to be undertaken any housing development where housing accommodation had not been offered for sale before the appointed date shall, not later than six months from the appointed date, apply to the Controller for a licence under the principal Act.

(4) Pending the decision by the Controller on the application for a licence made under subsection

(3), the applicant, shall be deemed to be licensed under this Act.

So, koperasi boleh buat rumah dlm masa lebih 24 bulan kalau yg dah launch before act tu di'amend'kan. So, the koperasi (KOMAB) took the liberty to clear the land first. Blast the rock. Then, do the earthwork during the first year.
For me, it doesn't matter, as long as the quality is alright and there is a roof to live under.

Perhaps you all could list down some queries/thoughts about desa gemilang and I can go and ask Encik Azman or Encik Zul.

DG Buyer.