30 August 2005

Sebulan slow?

So, terjawablah persoalan kenapa progress jadi slow selama sebulan ni.

Lepas servis kereta semalam, Isnin, aku pergi ke pejabat KOMAB. Aku nak jumpa Encik Azman atau Encik Zul. Kalau dapat jumpa Encik Zul, boleh aku tanya pasal struktur dinding dan wiring dan plumbing.

Aku sampai lebih kurang 4:30p.m. Aku terus masuk ofis bawah. Yang ada hanyalah Sarimah (aku rasa nama dia Sarimah).

Damn. Something came up. Have to do this first. I'll continue about this later. Among other things. Sarimah said that they had appointed another main con to help that Indian main con, 30 buyers who went to tribunal and rejected, new launch of project by other developers near phase 1 etc.


Anonymous said...

Apa projek baru di sebelah Desa Gemilang tu?

Anonymous said...

Apartment apa tah namanya.
Promo dia ada kat area Ong Tai Kim.