10 August 2005

Tinjauan Pada 7 August 2005


Aku naik site lagi seminggu selepas naik site pada 31 July 2005. Sama juga, pada hari ahad sebab hari ahad tak sibuk dgn pekerja dan jentera berat. Ramai perkerja yg lepak kat 'rumah' diaorang. Ada yg sedang basuh baju kat depan pond depan blok Q.

Selepas ambik gambar, aku pegi cari orang main con. Jumpa Shakti. Aku minta step utk buat rumah ni. Ye lah. Nak jugak tahu kat mana saluran itu ini semua dan kat mana bahagian dinding yg ada concrete. Aku bagi Fax no ofis aku sebab dia kata dia tak jumpa list tu dan dia nak fax hari Isnin. Sampai sekarang tak dapat pun lagi.

So, aku balik rumah dan aku fikir cara yg cepat utk publish cerita kat blog ni. So, aku kira cara yg senang ialah dgn type cerita atas gambar2 yg aku ambil dan lepas tu aku upload ke blog ni. Senang aje 3 step. (i) Ambik gambar dan compress (ii) guna program 'firework' utk type cerita atas gambar dan (iii)upload ke blog.

So, aku belum buat lagi step 2 tu. Nanti dah siap aku akan upload.

Tujuan aku naik site ialah utk melihat samada boleh nampak tak perubahan dalam masa seminggu. Selepas meneliti balik gambar2, ada perubahan juga. So, memang confirm yg hujanlah yg menyebabkan kerja tergendala sebulan sebelum 16 July. Pada 16 July dulu aku ambik gambar dan compare dgn June punya. Tak ada perubahan sangat. Aku compare antara 31 dan 16 July baru ada perubahan (2 minggu). Sekarang aku compare 7 Aug dan 31 July (seminggu). Mari kita berdoa semoga hujan tak banyak sangat macam sebulan sebelum 16 July tu. Tapi, fikir2 balik, bila la hujan nak turun ni. Jerebu sampai sakit tekak rasa ni. Hmmm, perhaps kita boleh berdoa biar hujan turun waktu malam aje.




Anonymous said...

Congrats n tq so much for all your information.. hopefully the progress would be faster after this, but the haze is getting worst now.. sempat ke siap rumah kita ni by end of this year..

Anonymous said...

Itu lah masalahnya. Hujan dan haze. Hujan dah lama dah reda. Sekarang ni haze pulak.

Aku pun dah tak sure boleh siap exactly ke bulan 12. Tapi, mengikut kata Shakti tu boleh.

Entahlah. Nanti kita compare gambar weekend ni atau weekend depan pulak.

Tak de ke sapa2 nak teman aku pegi ambik gambar? Belanja beli bateri digital camera pun ok gak kalau tak nak teman sebab aku ni kalau dah pegi site mahu at least satu jam kat atas.

-DG buyer & blog owner.

N said...


Anonymous said...

Hot News From The Automotive Lending Industry!!

+++++++++Current Profile+++++++++
InterFinancial Holdings, Corp (IFLH)
Current Price $0.036

Is this an undiscovered gem priced to go higher!!
Please read the following Announcement in its Entirety and Consider the Possibilities�
Watch this One to Trade!

IFLH announces Senator David Cain has joined its Board of Directors!!

IFLH volume trading is beginning to surge with landslide Announcement. The value of this
stock appears poised for growth! This one should not remain on the ground floor for long.

InterFinancial Holdings, Corp. (OTC Pink Sheets: IFLH - News) announced that they have added
David Cain to their board of directors. David Cain is currently the Chairman of the advisory
board to TTI (Texas Transportation Institute). Senator Cain represented Senate District 2 for
eight years in the Texas Senate and Chaired the Senate State Affairs Subcommittee on
Transportation and served nine terms in the Texas House of Representatives for District 107.

During his twelve years as Chairman of the House Committee on Transportation, Senator Cain�s
efforts on behalf of the people of Texas have been widely recognized. He was named to Texas
Monthly Magazine�s list of Ten Best Legislators, the Dallas Morning News said he was one of
the outstanding legislators of the 73rd session, and the Texas Department of Transportation
awarded him the Russell H. Perry Award in 1995 for his efforts to gain public awareness of
the need for and benefits of transportation facilities in the State of Texas.

Jeffrey C. Bruteyn, Managing Director, stated, We at InterFinancial are proud to have such a
widely recognized Senator join our board and oversee out automotive lending division. His
affiliations and connections to the automotive industry will be invaluable to our company.
Senator Cain will be instrumental in expediting our approval to use a government issued Seller
Finance License.

Seller Finance Licenses are very difficult to obtain and are usually reserved for the Big Boys
with heavy lobbyists. These licenses are highly coveted because it allows the finance company
to collect the entire down payment, instead of paying a portion of it to the taxing authority.
This dramatically helps a finance company�s bottom line if the buyer defaults on the loan.

With the new GPS tracking systems being installed on every car to dramatically improve
repossessions and with Senator Cain on the Board of Directors, InterFinancial Holdings
is ready to take their business to the next level.


The examples above show the Awesome, Earning Potential of little known Companies
That Explode onto Investor�s Radar Screens. This stock will not be a Secret for long.
Then You May Feel the Desire to Act Right Now! And Please Watch This One Trade!!

All statements made are our express opinion only and should be treated as such. We may own,
take position and sell any securities mentioned at any time. Any statements that express or
involve discussions with respect to predictions, goals, expectations, beliefs, plans,
projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of
historical fact and may be "forward looking statements." Forward looking statements are based
on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a
number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially
from those presently anticipated. This newsletter was paid four thousand dollars from a party
(IR Marketing). Forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of
words such as: "projects", "foresee", "expects". in compliance with Section 17(.b), we disclose
the holding of IF LH shares prior to the publication of this report. Be aware of an inherent
conflict of interest resulting from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the liquidation
of these shares. Shares may be sold at any time, even after positive statements have been made
regarding the above company. Since we own shares, there is an inherent conflict of interest in
our statements and opinions. Readers of this publication are cautioned not to place undue reliance
on forward-looking statements, which are based on certain assumptions and expectations involving
various risks and uncertainties that could cause results to differ materially from those set forth
in the forward- looking statements. This is not solicitation to buy or sell stocks, this text is
for informational purpose only and you should seek professional advice from registered financial
advisor before you do anything related with buying or selling stocks, penny stocks are very high
risk and you can lose your entire investment.

Anonymous said...

Salam.. nape yek ade comment psl automotive lending industry kt sini.. x pahamm la..

Ok, psl nk naik sekali ambik gambar tu.. saya dah beberapa kali cuba naik kat atas dgn family, yg terbaru ptg semalam, 14hb ogos, tapi guard x bg naik sbb baru lepas hujan (alhamdulillah sbb hilangkan jerebu), katanya takut nanti tayar kita kotorkan jalan, marah kang org kampung..

So, kitorang tanya kt guard tu mcmana progress projek, bila rasanya siap, etc. Dia kata dengar2 dlm thn 2006.. hah! Saya tanya, "Bukan hujung thn ni ke?" Dia jwb "Entah laa tu..". Anak2 saya dah byk kali tanya, bila nak pindah rumah baru.. last time bila naik, baru nk pasang bumbung.. sussah benorr nak jwb soalan budak2 tau..

Harap2 cuaca btambah baik lepas ni, memang harap sgt dpt pindah sblm sekolah bukak thn depan.. apapun terima kasih byk lah kt sdr Aku Pembeli Rumah krn gambar2 dlm blog ni, pls keep it up!

p/s mcmne nk tlg sponsor bateri kamera tu? :)

Anonymous said...

Dear all,

Sorry la pasal benda tak berkaitan kat atas tu. ASSHOLE mana tah letak.

Anyway, pak guard tu dah jadi geng aku. Normally, pak guard tu lepaskan aku naik sebab aku dah dapat clearance dgn developer. Dan normally, hari ahad aje dia bagi naik sebab tak ada orang bekerja.

Nak jadi cerita, hari ahad 14 Ogos tu aku naik sebelum Zohor. Bahaya sebenarnya sebab diaorang tengah buat kerja kat tebing jalan naik tu. Batu2 banyak jatuh. Tapi, sebab aku pergi time lunch dan diaorang tengah lepak, dapat lah aku naik.

Pasal bateri tu aku gurau aje. heheheh.

Nanti aku upload gambar pada 7 Ogos dan 14 Ogos.

Sebenarnya aku bengang kat ada India kat site office tu. Tak layan aje bila aku tanya step buat rumah ni.

Pasal comletion tu, aku tanya Encik Azman pada 12 Ogos kat opis dia. Dia kata nak serah kunci pada akhir tahun. Dan En. Azman kata developer akan bayar LAD dari Ogos kpd pembeli yg awal-awal dah beli.

-DG blogger.